
Instead of concentrating on what users do not want to receive, Spamfinder finds those e-mails that users want to receive and delivers them immediately.
Our solution is based on the latest and most innovative filters as well as the patented CISS technology.

Adjustable profiles

The sequence of the various filters can be configured individually and allocated through different profiles to the users. Thus so-called cold contact addresses ( like for example info@ and sale@) can be filtered softer than e-mail addresses related to names.

Positive filters (Whitelists)

If certain criteria are met, e-mails are being delivered directly without any delay. These whitelists vary from individual e-mail addresses to general domain names. They can contain single IP addresses or IP address ranges or simply certain subject contents that classify an e-mail as "desired".

Negative filters (Blacklists)

E-mails from certain domains, IP address ranges, e-mail addresses or with certain subject contents can be filtered out through integrated blacklist technologies. These blacklists can be adjusted on a corporate or user level. The blacklists within Spamfinder are based on external and public blacklists.

The integrated user quarantine functionality of Spamfinder reduces the risk of false positives (e-mails sorted out by mistake), as each user has the possibility to access his or her quarantine queue to make sure that no e-mail is lost by accident.
In this way administrators and users can quickly and easily look for their e-mails.

CISS - Technology

CISS targets
CISS procedure ensures that spam robots do not reach your inbox. CISS is a one-time, multi-step control procedure which ensures a permanent exchange of solicited emails between sender and recipient. The innovation of Spamfinder is CISS (Confirmation Interactive Site Server).

100% spam free thanks to the patented CISS filter

The CISS filter (Confirmation Interactive Site Server) ensures the absence
of spam by only letting e-mails pass from known, verified senders.
And this is how it works:

A. e-mail from a known sender
A verified sender sends an e-mail. The REDDOXX Spamfilter checks the mail
for spam and viruses. Should the mail not contain any undesired features it is
being forwarded to the recipient.

B. e-mail of an unknown sender
The e-mail of an unknown sender reaches the REDDOXX appliance. The e-mail passes the REDDOXX spam filter first. Should the e-mail not contain any undesired features the CISS procedure will be initiated. The e-mail is stored temporarily on the REDDOXX appliance.
At the same time the unknown sender receives a REDDOXX response mail with an authorisation link. This link leads the unknown sender to the individual CISS website of your company on which he is asked to perform a simple click action. Now the sender is authorised. The sender authorisation is only needed once and can only be performed by humans and not by automated systems.
The REDDOXX appliance receives a verification. The temporarily stored e-mail is now forwarded to the recipient. The sender is added to the whitelist and all future e-mails will be delivered instantly.

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VGS Advies (C) 2004 - Alle rechten voorbehouden

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